Saturday, September 08, 2012

Apps in SharePoint 2013 Online Event

Khalil ur Rehman, SharePoint Server MCTS / MVP will be presenting on the new App Model for SharePoint 2013. SharePoint 2013 has introduced exciting new features for both the developers and business users alike. This session will focus on this new App Model and how to make best use of it for building effective SharePoint solutions. The presentation will cover: A brief overview of App Model for SharePoint 2013; Comparison of app models with SharePoint Solutions; Design Considerations and Development Tools; and Building/Deploying Apps for SharePoint 2013. This is an online event , If you want to join the event send an email to to get a meeting invite to join the session.... Date: 6th Oct, 2012 Time: 9 am to 10 am (Pakistan Standard Time)

1 comment:

Khalil ur Rehman said...

If you want a copy of presentation , drop me a note to get that.