Monday, May 15, 2017

SQL Server on Linux step 2: Linux (Ubuntu ) installation using Virtual Box VM

In my previous post we learn how we can get free Virtual machine to install another operating system on our existing windows. We downloaded Oracle virtual Box Virtual Machine and decided to install Linux plate form on it. We downloaded Linux flavor Ubuntu 17.10 64 bit Server .iso image from given link and now we will learn how to install Ubuntu on Virtual Box VM. You can find previous post under following link.

Linux Ubuntu 17.10 installation on Virtual Box VM

1-      From your VM box right click -> on your VM and press “Start” or “Normal Start”.

2-      This will start Ubuntu setup. Load downloaded .iso file and press Start

3-      Setup will load Ubuntu from .iso file. Press Install ubuntu

4-      For installation of new operating system, either select erase and install Ubuntu or manual setup. As I am installing on a separate partitioned drive, I select Erase disk and install Ubuntu.

5-      You will get partition formation message. Press Continue

6-      You need to select time zone settings

7-      Press language for your keyboard.

8-      You need to create username and password. Remember password or write it somewhere for future use. I set password is same as username.

9-      You will setup complete message and need to restart setup.

10-   There are some settings needs to change in order to get better performance from installed virtual machine. Open Ubuntu VM settings. Move to System tab and base memory option under Motherboard.

11-   Switch to Processor tab and change your processor setting.

12-   In left side tab go to Network under Adapter 1 tab.
a.       Enable Network Adapter and select Bridged Adapter to select same network that is on your Windows system.
b.      Under Name: Select Network of wireless setting as required.
c.       Promiscuous Mode: Select Allow All.
d.      Tick Cable connected to work with Bridged Adapter.

13-   Setup your network setting as you setup in your windows machine.
a.       Start your Ubuntu VM and on top right corner. Open setting press Network.
b.      Under Network Proxy press proxy server to connect network server.
c.       Press Apply system wide and restart Ubuntu to apply new changes.

14-   Install putty on your windows system and you can use command prompt to connect Ubuntu from outside Ubuntu.

15-   Starting Linux (Ubuntu). To open root command Press Ctrl+Alt+T to open a terminal window. For security purposes (and to avoid damage), the root user account is locked by default. To safely run commands as root, you should use sudo instead. Enabling the root user can put your system at risk and is not recommended by Ubuntu.

16-   You can use Sudo apt-get update as follows

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